Sunday 7 October 2018

Docker Basic

What is Docker ?

·       Docker is open source projects that enable you to provide seem less in environment Production. 

·       Docker also provides you, ability to run multiple isolated OS on single host.

·       Docker enable you to utilize maximum resources from you Hardware.

Difference Between Virtualization And Containerization

Docker Engine
      · A server which is a type of long-running program called a daemon process.

      · The REST API is used to specify interfaces that programs can use to talk to the daemon and instruct it what to do.

      · A command line interface client.
Docker architecture

Its architecture consists mainly three parts.

· Client

   Docker provides Command Line Interface (CLI) tools to client to interact with Docker daemon. Client can build, run and stop application. Client can also interact to Docker_Host remotely.
· Docker_Host

   It contains Containers, Images, and Docker daemon. It provides complete environment to execute and run your application.

· Registry

   It is global repository of images. You can access and use these images to run your application in Docker environment.

Docker Daemon

Daemon run on host machine. Daemons create and manage Docker object: Images, Containers, Networds, Volume, Data, etc. The user does not directly interact with the Daemon, but insted through the docker client.

Docker Client

Primary user interface to Docker. It accepts command from the user and communicate back and forth with a Docker daemon.

Docker Images

Images are used to create Docker containers. Docker provide a simple way to build new images or existing Images. Docker Images are build component of Docker.

Docker Containers

Containers are created from Docker Images. They hold everything that is needed for an application to run. Each container is an isolated and secure application platform. Docker containers are the run component of Docker.

Docker Registry

·       Docker registry is a storage component for docker image

·       We can store the Image in either Public & Private repositories
·       Docker Hub is Docker's vwery own cloud repository

Use of The Docker Registry

·       Coltrole where your image are being stored
·       Integrate image storage with your in-house development workflow

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